She's Got It Together
She's Got It Together
SEX: Sometimes It’s Just Not Sexy
Hey there! It's Jessica and Samantha, and we're diving into a topic that might make you squirm a bit - sex! We know it's not always easy to talk about, but we think it's important to share our experiences and let you know that if you're struggling with low sex drive or pain during sex, you're definitely not alone.
We get personal about how pregnancy, breastfeeding, and even antidepressants have impacted our sex lives. From figuring out how to navigate intimacy post-baby to dealing with husbands who just can't keep their hands off (even when you're blowing your nose!), we cover it all.
But don't worry, it's not all serious - we also chat about the joys of king-size beds, the struggles of being touched out, and the hilarious realities of trying to get in the mood when you're a mom.
So join us for a raw, real, and sometimes TMI conversation about sex, motherhood, and everything in between. We promise you'll laugh, cringe, and maybe even feel a little less alone in your own journey. Oh, and we might even solve the mystery of why Sam hates the color pink!
Hope you enjoyed this episode!
Remember we'll be back twice a month with more fun shananagins. Be sure to follow us so you don't miss a beat!
We'd sure appreciate a review too. This helps us reach more women just like you trying to make it through the sometimes chaotic, sometimes fun, and sometimes cry-worth days of motherhood.
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Insta: @shesgotittogether
YouTube: @shesgotittogether
Blog: shesgotittogether.com
Here's to Getting it Together one day at a time,
Jessica & Samantha